Our Work

Our Work

UCCI Development In 2004, we  opposed UCCI Development’s proposal to construct 400 homes and a golf course spanning spanning O-M Line 4 and O-M Line 5 from Lake Simcoe to Ridge Road. This development would have promoted urban sprawl and compromised provincially designated green space. After a four year struggle, a settlement was reached at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) which stopped the proposal. Lake Simcoe Protection Act We participated in the creation of the Lake Simcoe Protection Act; WORA represented the community during the consultation process leading to the Lake Simcoe Protection Act, enacted in 2008 to protect the Lake Simcoe Watershed. On-going engagement Our members stay engaged to get informed and, if need be, advocate on issues that may impact our environment. These activities include: What’s coming up next? 1. TRY Recycling We are actively engaged in reviewing the proposed TRY Recycling Plant to be located on top of the Oro moraine (line 7 and the Old Barrie Rd). This industrial recycling facility, built above the aquifer that provides source water for much of Simcoe County, could pollute the drinking water of Oro-Medonte residents and affect Lake Simcoe. April 2015 – Review of Application by the Barrie District Office of the Ministry of the Environment is ongoing. We will continue to monitor the situation. Here is a current update form the Orillia Packet: http://www.orilliapacket.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3434714&postbox We have already attended a preliminary OMB hearing. WORA will also be  a participant in the OMB hearing scheduled for April 2012. We need to be prepared to ensure this development does not move forward. You can help by becoming a member and show your support to help protect our home. Join Us

2. Burl’s Creek

Proposed Rock Concert Park at Burl’s Creek

April 2015

Dear Neighbors,

We are writing to you to ask for your help in stopping this development. You may have heard that the above-noted property, along with 600 additional acres of prime agricultural land, are being altered to accommodate multi-day summer rock concerts for up to 100,000 patrons, with their vehicles and campers. If allowed, this will be the largest rock concert venue in Canada! 40,000 tickets have already been sold so far for the first concert this July.


These changes (including building of roads, amphitheatres, grading, clear cutting of mature trees, stripping of topsoil) are being carried out without a legal by-law, in contravention of the County and Township Official Plans and the Provincial Policy Statements. This construction continues in spite of Lake Simcoe Regional Conservation Authority laying charges under the Provincial Offences Act, now before the courts. The Township (O-M) has just acknowledged that the enabling by-law, passed by Council (July 16, 2014), was enacted improperly – without the mandatory public meeting or notice – and is illegal.

If this mammoth rock concert park is allowed to proceed, every resident between Shanty Bay and Hawkstone will be subjected to intolerable impacts: from traffic gridlock to noise intrusion into the morning hours to decline of property values and the environment.

Two citizen groups – WORA and SaveOro – comprising some 800 members have joined forces to fight this. We have been advised by our lawyer that the only way we can stop this is to obtain a court injunction against the promoter and then appeal the pending Township By-law, if passed, to the OMB. We are asking you to support our cause in order to protect the quiet enjoyment of our Oro homes and to protect their property value.

Please say “yes” so that together we can protect our community.

Please visit www.saveoro.com for more details on Burl’s Creek. We welcome your feedback and input which you can provide us at info@wora.ca .

2016 Recent Updates:  

–  http://toronto.ctvnews.ca/community-group-says-wayhome-organizers-aren-t-playing-by-the-rules-1.3003302



Thank You,

WORA Executive